Marsha is a frequently invited speaker on the craft of writing. She has led workshops and presented to writers’ organizations such as NINC and RWA across North America, and would be pleased to discuss tailoring a workshop to the particular needs of your group. See below for her most popular workshops, which are available as single sessions or combined into full or half-day trainings to suit your group.
Step Back to Spring Forward
Analyzing Your Novel Through an Editor’s Eyes
Having evaluated thousands of novels for potential acquisition and edited hundreds more, Marsha will share her perspective on the novel fundamentals that must be effectively implemented to attract an editor’s attention and ensure a reader’s satisfaction.
The Trickier Elements of Storytelling
Three components of the storyteller’s art–point of view, effective dialogue, and engaging openings–will be examined in detail. For this segment, participants are invited to bring along the first page or opening paragraphs of a work-in-progress for small-group discussion.
It’s your Ball!
Who’s catching what you’re pitching?
There’s a fine balance between writing the book of your heart and ensuring you’ve embedded the market trends that will attract your target audience. Marsha will provide a survey of marketing approaches for you to consider when you’re ready to share your work with the world.
A Brand-New You
Establishing a brand presence in a crowded marketplace
What is your promise to the reader, and how does packaging affect your brand? Your bio, your platform profiles and your story blurb all play into saleability, and your strategic back cover copy provides the reader’s initial gateway into your novel. Marsha will discuss the ingredients necessary to create dynamite blurbs: attendees are invited to come prepared with their own back cover copy for in-group discussion and refinement.