Sheryl Sandberg, CEO of Facebook, famously had this to say when promoting her book, Lean In, about women in the workplace: “Men still run the world. And I’m not sure that’s going that well.” Screenwriters use loglines, authors use quotations, advertisers use slogans and politicians….well, let’s just say sound bites bombard us every day in […]

I was on a mission.  I wanted research from the trenches.  So I decided to poll some of Toronto’s top event planners to learn what’s happening out there in the wedding speech arena.  Are couples coming up with innovative ways of entertaining their guests? Are multiple toasts still the norm?  Who’s speaking? Who’s M.C.’ing? Has […]

A friend recently regaled me with details of her attendance, over the long holiday weekend, at The Wedding From Hell. She had been invited to attend the nuptials of her good friend’s daughter, and had travelled from another city to spend the weekend with the celebrating family at one of the premier event venues in […]